Monday 24 August 2015

Impact Housing 40 Years Celebration...
Fabulous Day was had by all at the Impact Housing 40th Anniversary Celebration Day  Carlisle Race Course on Saturday 22nd August 2015...hundreds of people attended the event - there were fair ground rides, climbing wall, cake decorating, lunch and refreshments, music marque and a jazz band etc....everyone had a great day!

Derwent & Solway Fun Day...
Derwent & Solway Fun Day Workington was well attended last week...on and off showers didn't deter everyone from having a fun day which included a barbecue, bouncy castle, Fitness Bus etc.

Fun continued at the Derwent & Solway Maryport Fun Day with bingo, packed lunches, refreshments, delicious cakes and a showing of "Shaun the Sheep Movie" etc....despite the weather a great afternoon was had by all!

Monday 17 August 2015

National Award...
Cumbria Community Foundation (CCF) won the Grant Maker award at the recent UK Charity Awards held in London.  The award was presented for the ground breaking Neighbourhood Care Independence Programme (NCIP), for further details follow: LINK

*Pictured centre is John Cass Home Group Strategic Neighbourhood Coordinator receiving their certificate from Cath Howard CCF Chief Operating Officer and Willie Slavin CCF Trustee in Whitehaven on Thursday 13th August 2015.
Impact Housing Celebrating 40 Years...
Come along and see what's on offer...